Building a diversified Venture Capital portfolio that captures the next generation of opportunities.
**Miguel Luina**
Managing Director, Fund Investments
Miguel is a Managing Director on Hamilton Lane’s Fund Investment Team, a member of the firm’s Investment Committee and co-leads the Venture-Focused Investment Team. Miguel has over 18 years experience investing in private markets, including direct equity, credit and fund investments.
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**Matthew Pellini**
Managing Director, Secondary Investments
Matt is a Managing Director on Hamilton Lane’s Secondary Investment Team, a member of the firm’s Investment Committee and co-leads the Venture-Focused Investment Team. Matt has over 15 years experience leading and structuring a variety of transaction types including direct investments, LP and GP secondaries, and other complex transactions.
James Ginns
Centre for Long-Term Resilience (CLTR)
On the Precipice — building resilience to extreme risk
James is the Head of Risk Management Policy at the Centre for Long-Term Resilience (CLTR). James was previously Chief Risk Officer of Cathay Pacific, and has held a number of other senior leadership positions at the Swire Group. As well as having significant risk management expertise in the private sector, James has extensive experience in the non-profit sector, through a previous advisory role at the Mekong Club, and a previous management role at a UNHCR centre for Vietnamese refugees — both in Hong Kong.
Dr. Patrick Pfeffer
Investing into Scalable Healthcare Technologies made simple
"Managing Director (CEO): Dr. Patrick Pfeffer (born 1980), founder of Aescuvest, responsible for business development and strategic corporate management. He graduated with a degree in bioinformatics and a doctorate in pharmaceutical chemistry. He also holds a diploma in business administration. Before founding aescuvest in 2014, he made a marketing career as specialist in digital marketing for pharma and health media companies. As general manager of WebMD Global he drove the expansion of Medscape, a global platform for physicians and healthcare professionals, into the French and German markets. As an advisor for systemic marketing and partnering strategies, he worked for multi-national organizations in the health sector.
Patrick purely stands for “The future of health is shaped in Europe.” #investinhealth #10xhealth"
Spike Hughes
Cohesion Investments Limited
Accessing superior growth through Indian Equities
Founder & CEO, Cohesion Investments
Spike has 30+ years investment experience and has been directly responsible for raising assets over USD 15bn.
He was one of the founders of the Skandia Investment Group and personally innovated several market-leading fund ranges, including the industry popular Best Ideas funds.
He was the founding Managing Director of the discretionary and multi-manager businesses at FTSE 100 Hargreaves Lansdown, and was also Strategic Adviser to the CEO of AXA and a leading hedge fund, where he contributed to the launch of several market leading propositions.
Spike has many years of experience as a director on the board of funds and also as a director of investment management businesses, with particular experience of India-focussed investments.
Paul Major
Bellevue Healthcare Trust
Investing into the Transformation of Healthcare
Paul has a biochemistry background and more than 28 years of experience in the healthcare sector, including time working in industry and the health service. Before working in asset management, Paul’s previous financial experience includes sell-side analysis corporate finance. He has managed Bellevue’s UK products since their inception in 2016.
Company backgrounds and useful links.
Hamilton Lane
Miguel Luina, Matthew Pellini
Building a diversified Venture Capital portfolio that captures the next generation of opportunities.
Hamilton Lane is a leading private markets firm that manages $818B in AUM and supervision, composed of approximately $117.3B in discretionary assets and $700.7B in advisory assets as of June 30, 2023. The firm allocates and advises on over $110bn in Venture and Growth (as of March 31, 2023), helping clients build custom portfolios in these areas. With over 27 years investing in VC and 170 advisory board seats (as of March 31, 2023), Hamilton Lane has access to deal flow and data. Hamilton Lane's Venture Access Fund is an institutional quality portfolio for family offices seeking higher returns in VC.
Centre for Long-Term Resilience (CLTR)
James Ginns
On the Precipice — building resilience to extreme risk
CLTR is an independent UK-based think tank with a mission to transform global resilience to extreme risks — both in the UK and internationally. Our three core focus areas are extreme AI risk, extreme biological risk, and improving government risk management processes.
Dr. Patrick Pfeffer
Investing into Scalable Healthcare Technologies made simple
"Aescuvest, (Frankfurt/Munich), is a leading, healthcare dedicated FinTech company, with a special focus on financing digital healthcare solutions. Aescuvest’s mission is to facilitate and enable impactful investments into medical breakthrough innovation to disrupt and improve healthcare delivery models, products, and services. Aescuvest enables its investors to build their very individual portfolio of healthcare start-ups - according to their personal investment focus.
A cooperation with EIT Health, and a growing network of partnerships across Europe, allow Aescuvest to source and evaluate the most promising healthcare investment opportunities, structure their financing rounds, and enable healthcare technology-driven investors, such as Business Angels, HNWIs, Family Offices, and Corporate Investors, to participate in healthcare investment opportunities by direct investments via SPV structures.
The Investment Committee, composed of Aescuvest’s very own investment team and members of the Advisory Board of Aescuvest, both deeply rooted in the healthcare industry and with proven track records, have developed a strong and over the last years well tested, pre-screening and due diligence process, to identify and select healthcare start-ups. Aescuvest’s Management (circle of General Partners) put their ‘skin’ into each investment by committing capital to each company prior introduction to the wider Aescuvest investor base.
Cohesion Investments Limited
Spike Hughes
Accessing superior growth through Indian Equities
Cohesion Investments was founded by Spike Hughes and is chaired by former Dragon’s Den entrepreneur James Caan CBE.
Cohesion MK Best Ideas represents an exclusive partnership between Cohesion and legendary investor Madhu Kela, an exceptional manager of Indian equities, and one of the most successful and experienced investors in the world over the last 3 decades, with a spectacular record of delivering risk adjusted returns.
This represents a very exclusive access to one of the world’s biggest growth opportunities – India – a country undergoing an unprecedented transformation, the likes of which has never been seen before.
Bellevue Healthcare Trust
Paul Major
Investing into the Transformation of Healthcare
Bellevue Healthcare Trust plc is a high conviction, long-only investment trust invested in listed or quoted global healthcare equities. It is unconstrained and able to invest regardless of market cap, sub sector or region, and the portfolio is concentrated with a maximum of 35 holdings. Bellevue Healthcare Trust is managed by Bellevue Asset Management (UK) Ltd, regulated by the FCA, who have built a successful track record in this sector.