Investment Club

Summer Investment Club 2023


Presentation materials and recordings where available
Alanda Capital Management | 31/05/23
Alanda Capital Management
Alanda Capital Management
Christian Vogel-Claussen, Matthew Shenkman
PB&B | 31/05/23
Anthony Aho
Cambridge Future Tech | 31/05/23
Cambridge Future Tech
Cambridge Future Tech
Owen Thompson
ETC Group | 31/05/23
ETC Group
ETC Group
Tim Bevan, George Michalowski
Keynote by Peter McAleese | 31/05/23
Keynote by Peter McAleese
Angara | 31/05/23
Angara Global
Val Krivenko


Personal bios and useful information
Christian Vogel-Claussen, Matthew Shenkman
Alanda Capital Management
Alanda Capital Management, a European Crossover Tech Investment Platform
Christian Vogel-Claussen is the Founder, Managing Partner and CIO of Alanda Capital focusing on public and private investing in Technology supported by Data Science. He has over 20 years experience of investing in both public and private tech markets. His private growth investments include amongst others Revolut, Monzo, Bolt, Marqeta, Meituan, Bytedance, Neo4J and OakNorth. Prior to that he co-founded Astellon Capital which he ran as CEO/CIO. He started his career as investment banker at Morgan Stanley in London and New York.      Matthew Shenkman is a Partner for Alanda Privates. He has tremendous connectivity to the tech world, having led many prominent M&A and capital transactions in the US and EMEA as Managing Director at TAP Advisors and Head of Internet and Digital Media at J.P Morgan. 
Anthony Aho
Rendering Plastic Surgery Natural & Minimally-invasive.
Anthony Aho is a Swiss-Canadian bioengineer and CEO of PB&B Ltd. Prior to co-founding PB&B, Anthony obtained his MSc at EPFL and worked in clinical and cancer research at the University Hospitals of Lausanne (CHUV). He has won numerous entrepreneurship awards for PB&B nationally and internationally; he was a member of the Swiss National Startup Team (2x), and is an alumni of StartX (Stanford) and MassChallenge (Boston). In his free time, Anthony enjoys the outdoors through skiing, mountain biking, mountaineering, and surfing. 
Owen Thompson
Cambridge Future Tech
Cambridge Future Tech - The Tech-First Venture Builder
Owen is CEO and Co-Founder of Cambridge Future Tech (CFT). Prior to his role at CFT, Owen was a fighter pilot in the Royal Air Force for over 13 years, and subsequently General Manager for the Advanced Technology Solutions division at BAE Systems, which included running multiple R&D sites with technology focus areas such as microwave materials, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), printed electronics, and additive manufacturing. Outside of CFT, Owen enjoys spending time with his young family.
Tim Bevan, George Michalowski
ETC Group
Entering the crypto/digital asset market for the first time
Tim spent the formative part of his career at the London Stock Exchange, where he managed the ETF/ETP markets. He further developed his career in investment banking eventually becoming CEO of BCS Prime Brokerage Ltd., an emerging markets specialist, for over five years before joining ETC Group as Co-CEO. George is the Head of Product Development at ETC Group. He has a background in Investment Banking, Corporate Banking and fund management. George started his career in Fund Management and previously held positions at Brasilpar, one of Brazil’s oldest boutique Investment banks.
Peter McAleese was born in Glasgow in September 1942, and at the age of 17, enlisted with the British Army's Parachute Regiment in Aberdeen. Within two years he had transferred to 'D' Squadron, 22 SAS, where he served with the squadron's Mobility troop in Aden. Over the following few years, a pattern emerged of Peter being returned to Unit from the SAS for disciplinary reasons and then re-joining the SAS. At the end of the 1960s, Peter resigned from the British Army and thereafter I think it would be fair to say that his life became even more interesting.   He was involved in the Hilton assignment project (an attempt to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi); he was a mercenary soldier in the Angolan Civil War for several months in 1976, fighting for the National Liberation Front of Angola; and in 1979 he joined the British South Africa Police's Special Branch operating in South Rhodesia. After the fall of Rhodesia in 1980, he enlisted with the South African Defence Force's 44 Parachute Brigade, which he served as a Colour Sergeant in the early 1980s, where he assisted with the creation of a new pathfinder reconnaissance unit and took part in the South African Border War.   Perhaps the event which Peter is most well-known for is Operation Phoenix – the 1989 plan to assassinate the Columbian drug lord, Pablo Escobar. Paid for by one of Escobar’s rival drug cartel – the Cali Cartel – the operation fell apart after the helicopter carrying Peter and his colleague Dave Tomkins, crashed as it flew low through the clouds over the Andes, killing the pilot.   In later life Peter became an author publishing 2 books "No Mean Soldier" and "McAleese's Fighting Manual".
Val Krivenko
Angara Global
A way to profitably abate Gigaton of Carbon emissions in mundane heat transfer processes with an AI-powered fresh look
Val is an Executive Chairman, investor, and co-founder at ANGARA, a UK/NL technology company that helps industrial plants reduce their CO2 emissions.  Val was a venture builder behind such companies as (US), iGlass-Technology (US, exited to Vitro), (UK). He co-led FPI Ventures, an international deep-tech venture-builder. In 2013 Val was a GP at Bright-Capital, a $200M VC that invested in the US cleantech. Early in his career, Val was a McKinsey consultant. He lives in Amsterdam with his wife and two daughters. A YPO member since 2018. MBA from London Business School; studied at UCLA in California.


Company backgrounds and useful links.
Alanda Capital Management
Christian Vogel-Claussen, Matthew Shenkman
Alanda Capital Management, a European Crossover Tech Investment Platform
Alanda Capital Management is a European crossover investment platform, with strong access to $1bn+ high-growth tech companies. It evaluates the private opportunities by looking through the public markets lens. As of 2023, Alanda has invested in 10 companies, 8 of which – including Revolut, Bolt, Monzo, Bytedance – are still active investments. By focusing on later-stage category killers across long-term growth themes such as super platforms, fintech, D2C/Mobility, Gaming and B2B/SaaS, Alanda has built one of the best performing late-stage portfolios in Europe with a 64% net IRR to date, only to be reinforced with a strong deal-led pipeline. 
Anthony Aho
Rendering Plastic Surgery Natural & Minimally-invasive.
PB&B Ltd. is a specialty Swiss Life Sciences company founded by bioengineers working with an international team of plastic surgeons & dermatologists to test and bring to market a new patented injectable technology for the remodeling of soft tissues of the face & body. PB&B’s patented technology aims to transform a fast growing, multi-billion-dollar facial aging & body remodeling markets with the next generation of injectables in Medical Aesthetics. PB&B has raised to date over $8 MUSD (25% government grants; 75% private).
Cambridge Future Tech
Owen Thompson
Cambridge Future Tech - The Tech-First Venture Builder
Cambridge Future Tech, is a deep tech venture builder with a mission to commercialise science for global impact with a focus on deep tech, climate tech, and AI. CFT collaborates with top tier Tech Transfer Offices across the UK ecosystem, spinning out 6 deep tech companies in the last 12 months. In the next 5 years CFT will build 40 deep tech companies, underwriting a significant value portfolio and creating meaningful real-world impact. To enable this, CFT raises directly on to balance sheet (as opposed to a GP/LP arrangement). With the first £1.5m already committed, CFT aims to complete a £6m Series A round in the coming months.
ETC Group
Tim Bevan, George Michalowski
Entering the crypto/digital asset market for the first time
With a track record of over three years, ETC Group is made up of an exceptional team of financial services professionals with experience spanning both digital assets and traditional regulated markets. Our vision is to enable investors, across the full spectrum, to participate in the growth of digital assets through the design and issue of institutional-grade exchange traded products. We are solely focused on the manufacture of products with transparency & integrity at their core, which address the concerns many investors have in trading this novel and nascent asset class.
Angara Global
Val Krivenko
A way to profitably abate Gigaton of Carbon emissions in mundane heat transfer processes with an AI-powered fresh look
Founded in 2015 as a UK company, ANGARA helps industrial plants worldwide reduce their CO2 emissions and energy consumption with US&EU-patented decarbonization technology, ensuring efficient operations. Its AI-powered HEX-CARE offering is the core of the solution, maintaining the cleanliness and efficiency of heat exchangers.  ANGARA leverages the existing ecosystem of established players, providing a turn-key tech solution to our customers on subscription. ✔️400 million tonnes of CO2/year reduction potential in refining alone (DNV-confirmed) ✔️TRL 8+ ✔️Digitalized, subscription-based business model ✔️2022 sales $0.5M; 2023E $2-4M; 2024E $16M ✔️Partnered with MOURIK, a €476 million pan-European service contractor ✔️Other verticals: biofuels, desalination, geothermal