What was your first job?
A summer holiday job working for two months at the Bureau of Census and Statistics in Sydney, Australia. I devised a better way to collect statistics for real estate transfers. It was followed by a month-long bus trip from Sydney to Adelaide, and on to Alice Springs, Darwin, Mt. Isa, Cairns, Brisbane and then safely back to Sydney.
What was the best advice you were ever given?
I am still waiting for it.
Which was the last book you read?
Anthro-Vision by Gillian Tett
What would be the first item on your bucket list?
A trip into the future. As a historian, I always wonder how future generations will view current events, both global and personal.
Who inspires you?
Jimmy Carter.
How would you spend your ideal weekend?
Researching the next chapter of one of the books I am writing.
How long can you go without your mobile phone?
A weekend, possibly.
What advice would you give the young you?
Don’t get distracted. Focus.
What would be your luxury item on Desert Island Discs?
Sony a7R IV camera + lenses.
Who would you most like to meet and why?
Daniel Kahneman. His work in psychology has been influential in identifying human cognitive biases.