What was your first job?
During university I was a part-time security guard in a local department store. After university I started as an accountancy trainee with the National Audit Office.
What was the best advice you were ever given?
There’s plenty of time for fun after you’re qualified. I was thrown out of university after failing seven out of eight exams but they let me back in to complete my accountancy degree when I promised to stop enjoying all the extracurricular activities that university life had to offer.
Which was the last book you read?
The World Atlas of Gin. Currently working through them.
What would be the first item on your bucket list?
Visit Saturn and fly through the rings. Failing that, any trip to space.
Who inspires you?
My dog. If not for dogs, many more people would need psychiatric help.
How would you spend your ideal weekend?
Capturing the beauty of a nebula or galaxy with my telescope.
How long can you go without your mobile phone?
I thought it was about 10 minutes but after visiting Alaska, where there was no signal, it turns out to be a week.
What advice would you give the young you?
Accountancy really is quite boring so do a science degree instead and apply to be an astronaut.
What would be your luxury item on Desert Island Discs?
That’s easy – my telescope. Just imagine how much more of the universe I would see with no light pollution on a desert island.
Who would you most like to meet and why?
Any astronaut – what is it really like to look at earth from space?